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Templates Designed to be used on Phones

The links are to screenshots on a separate page.

  1. 20cones
  2. adoradark
  3. arctictut
  4. bootstrap3
  5. dokukit 1)
  6. greensteel
  7. icke-template
  8. kajukkk
  9. monochrome
  10. prsnl10
  11. sprintdoc
  12. white
  13. writr

Not designed for phones but usable in landscape

This is not an exhaustive list

  1. doogiestpl
  2. incogniteck

Both vector and docubook were based on the wikipedia model, as were others, and these were generally not functional on a phone. Or only marginally so, see for instance monobook.


All the tests were done on a Google Pixel 2XL. The criteria for templates that are usable on phones basically came down to whether the template was in fact designed for use on phones. This means functional in portrait mode, which includes:

  1. Readablility
  2. Functional navigation
    • In the screen shots, where you find this icon , it opens either a sidebar or a navigation menu or both.
  3. Contained within the area of the screen, i.e. not extending beyond the screen's right edge or needing to be excessively manipulated with finger manipulation to increase or decrease page and/or type size.

The screnshots on the mobile_imgs page show some of the variety and some of the most successful in terms of the criteria. It also shows some that do not meet the criteria.

There were some templates that worked in landscape mode but not portrait mode, that is they had not been specifically designed for phones but by accident of design worked in landscape.

designed for Karlruhe institute of technology but can be redesigned
templates/mobile.txt · Last modified: 2020-02-19 05:54 by Aleksandr

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