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dwtimeline Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" unknown
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" unknown
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" yes
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" yes

plugin Provides a timeline in the style of DokuWiki

Last updated on

Similar to csstimeline

Tagged with timeline

dwtimeline provides a timeline with alternating boxes formatted in the style of the DokuWiki settings. Boxes for start and end are also possible.


Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


An entry in the timeline is made via milestones. The entry should have at least the following format:

Between the milestone start and end, you can even use Wiki markup

A simple timeline


The basic syntax is shown above. A timeline starts with the <dwtimeline> tag and ends with the </dwtimeline> tag. The milestones are placed in between. The content of each milestone box is enclosed between the <milestone> and </milestone> tag.The content can contain normal DokuWiki syntax.

Every entry-tag can have options. But only the dwtimeline exit-tag can also have options. The options must be in the following format: <entry option=“value”>. Option and value are separated by =. The value must be enclosed by . The options do not understand DokuWiki syntax (exception: link).

OptionDescriptionpossible invalues
titleIf set: the top entry of a box. <dwtimeline>, <milestone>, </dwtimeline>Text
descriptionIf set: the second entry of a box. <dwtimeline>, <milestone>, </dwtimeline>Text
linkIf set, the title becomes the link. The link must be in DokuWiki format ([[|External Link]]).<milestone>Text
alignoverwrite the standard alignment<dwtimeline>horz,vert
datatwo chars for the timeline circle<milestone>Text
backcolorset the background color for container<milestone>valid css color name, hex, rgb


:!: In the editor toolbar there is now a button (Timeline) that creates a base skeleton.

Entry box

<dwtimeline title="Title of Timeline" description="A additional description">

Entry box

Entry and Exit box

<dwtimeline title="Title of Timeline" description="A additional description">
</dwtimeline title="End of Timeline">

Entry box

Complete Timeline

<dwtimeline title="Title of Timeline" description="A additional description">
<milestone title="First milestone" description="My first timeline entry" >
Between the milestone start and end, you can even use Wiki markup, e.g. images:
<milestone title="Second milestone with link" description="My second timeline entry" link="[[|External Link]]">
A milestone entry accepts title, description and link as options.
Everytime followed by ''='' and the option surrounded by ''"'':
< code>
title="Second milestone with link" description="My second timeline entry" link="[[|External Link]]"
< /code>
This one is rendered at the **other** side of the //timeline//
<milestone title="Third milestone" description="My third timeline entry" link="[[playground:playground|]]">
This one is rendered at the other side of the timeline
<WRAP center round info 60%>
info box
</dwtimeline title="End of Timeline">


Configuration and Settings

The following settings are available in the configuration manager:

directionOn which side should the timeline start (left,right)?
The position of the first milestone box to the timeline.
alignChoose the Standard-Alignment (Vertical[vert], Horizontal[horz])? horz,[vert]

The following colours are used and depend on the style chosen:

ElementColor in stylestyle.ini
Box background and timelineNeutral background color@ini_background_neu
TextMain text color@ini_text
Timeline circleThe general link color@ini_link

Those colors are easily changed. The bundled styling plugin available via “admin” → “template style setting” allows easy changes. Alternatively, one can directly edit style.ini file.


Change Log

  • 2022-06-27
    • Initial release
  • 2022-07-02
    • Code simplified
  • 2022-07-11
    • add horizontal timeline
    • add two possible chars in timeline circle
    • add optional background color to container (to mark an era or so)
    • style changes
    • add toolbar button
  • 2022-07-13

Known Bugs and Issues

  1. Nested milestone blocks are not possible

ToDo/Wish List

  • Something that would be really nice would be to allow a date and/or time in the little circles. I honestly don't know how difficult this would be, or indeed if it is possible.
    • Not at the moment, but I'm thinking about it. [saggi] Two chars now possible — saggi 2022-07-11 19:42


plugin/dwtimeline.1657787339.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-07-14 10:28 by schplurtz

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