====== PopUpViewer Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Ever wanted to not just to have pop-up images from your website, but whole pages? PopUpViewer can do that for you! author : i-net software / Gerry Weißbach email : tools@inetsoftware.de type : syntax lastupdate : 2022-02-17 compatible : Anteater, Angua, Rincewind, "Adora Belle", Weatherwax, Binky, "Ponder Stibbons", Hrun, "Elenor Of Tsort", Greebo, Hogfather; Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos similar : lightbox, lightboxv2 tags : popup, lightbox, imageflow downloadurl: https://github.com/i-net-software/dokuwiki-plugin-popupviewer/archive/master.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/i-net-software/dokuwiki-plugin-popupviewer/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/i-net-software/dokuwiki-plugin-popupviewer/ donationurl: ---- ===== Download and Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. For detailed information and download instructions [[https://github.com/i-net-software/dokuwiki-plugin-popupviewer|see the home page]]. ===== Fix for version 2024-02-06 "Kaos" ===== If you have been using the outstanding PopUpViewer on several versions of DokuWiki, like I have, upgrading to Kaos causes DokuWiki to fail showing the following error message ''ArgumentCountError: 4 arguments are required, 2 given An unforeseen error has occured. This is most likely a bug somewhere. It might be a problem in the info plugin. More info has been written to the DokuWiki error log.'' The issue seems to be caused by a more rigorous check in inc/Extension/PluginTrait.php of the information array in ''plugin.info.txt'' which should be included with every plugin. ((See [[devel:releases]] - note "Ensure plugin.info.txt data is complete")) For PopUpViewer, mandatory item //desc// is simply missing causing above error message which does not directly indicate what the root cause is, however. I fixed the issue by adding the mandatory //desc// item on the correct line. **Original** # General Plugin Info do not edit base popupviewer author i-net software email tools@inetsoftware.de date 2022-02-17 name PopUpViewer url https://github.com/i-net-software/dokuwiki-plugin-popupviewer **Fix** # General Plugin Info do not edit base popupviewer author i-net software email tools@inetsoftware.de date 2022-02-17 name PopUpViewer desc Show a page in a popup window url https://github.com/i-net-software/dokuwiki-plugin-popupviewer After this change, PopUpViewer will no longer halt DokuWiki version Kaos. --- [[user>johng|johng]] //2024-02-08 11:05// ===== Change Log ===== {{rss>https://github.com/i-net-software/dokuwiki-plugin-popupviewer/commits/master.atom date author}} ===== Discussion ===== >"keepOpen" option does not keep popup page open if clicking link in it. 23.04.2016.