====== Google Adsense 2 for DokuWiki ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Allows you to include Google AdSense advertising into your wiki template and into wiki pages. Based on the code from Bernd Zeimetz. author : Dirk Moeller email : dirk@systemengineers.de type : admin, syntax lastupdate : 2008-01-02 compatible : depends : conflicts : similar : googleads tags : advertising, google, embed downloadurl: https://trello.com/1/cards/5d4eecc24097204ccedba56c/attachments/5d4eed33173350323d9cb689/download/googleads2.zip bugtracker : sourcerepo : donationurl: screenshot_img: ---- FIXME [[http://www.systemengineers.de/plugins/google-adsense|Details and Download]] (Not working!) Download ver. 2007-08-14 from [[https://yadi.sk/d/F8Q4IH9v3AtUU5|Yandex.Disk]] or [[https://trello.com/1/cards/5d4eecc24097204ccedba56c/attachments/5d4eed33173350323d9cb689/download/googleads2.zip|Trello]].