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Starred Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

frusterick manners

plugin Allows users to remember pages

Last updated on
Syntax, Action

Tagged with favorites, remember

A CosmoCode Plugin


:!: External requirements: This plugin requires the following additional components that must be installed separately:

Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

After installation, you should include a link for users to save a page as favourite. Put the following into your template's main.php:

      $starred = plugin_load('action','starred');
      if ($starred) $starred->tpl_starred();

Some templates, like the icke template already include this link on every page by default.

Using with Vector Template

Users of the vector template could also put following to dokuwiki/lib/tpl/vector/user/boxes.php (NOT dokuwiki/lib/tpl/vector/conf/boxes.php):

//show starred only if user has access to page. Works on wikis with disabled acl too.
if (auth_quickaclcheck(getID()) >= AUTH_READ) {
    //check if sqlite plugin exists, labeled plugin requires it. if it doesn't exist or is disabled, vector template won't render
    if (!plugin_isdisabled('sqlite')) {
        $labeled = plugin_load('helper','labeled');
        if ($labeled) {
    	    $_vector_boxes["labeled"]["headline"] = "toggle favorite";
	    $_vector_boxes["labeled"]["xhtml"] = $labeled->tpl_labels(false, false); //prevent printing


To list the current user's saved pages, add {{starred}} to a page. An optional minimal mode gives no text if the current user has starred no pages and leaves out the saving date: {{starred>min}}. Finally, you might limit the number of shown pages: {{starred>min|5}} and {{starred|5}}, respectively.


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Known Bugs and Issues

Please report bugs and issues at:

plugin/starred.1682361795.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-04-24 20:43 by Aleksandr

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