
Groupmanager Plugin

Compatibile con DokuWiki

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plugin Group-admins can easily administer the users of their group and assign them roles without interference of - or interfering with - a super-admin

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Groupmanager is a tool intended for independent working groups within a single DokuWiki-installation. Group-admins can easily administer the users of their group and assign them roles without interference of - or interfering with - a super-admin. A complete setup for creating a context for working groups is described below to help you start up.

Usage of this plugin is actually quite easy, don't be mistaken by the length of this document, this is only to aide you.

Groupmanager is based on the original plugin groupmgr by Alex Forencich. groupmgr has not been updated since 2010. For some reason it was marked devel-only, but the idea is great! And Alex is still running it on his site.

Groupmgr already allowed easy modification of group membership by non-admins. This greatly simplified management of collaborative projects by group-admins.

Groupmanager adds in functionality from the usermanager by Christopher Smith. This way existing users can easily be found and assigned to groups in Wikis with many users. Groupmanager may also enable group-admins to add or delete users from the Wiki independently from a super-admin within the bounds of the groups they administer.

Groupmanager has been designed with a certain scenario and setup in mind. This scenario is helpful :!: to make Groupmanager a workable solution. That's why it is worked out below in more detail.

Please read the Groupmanager Scenario for Working Groups and look for yourself whether this applies to you.


Download and Installation

Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


~~groupmanager|[groups to manage]|[allowed users and groups]~~

Groups to manage separated by commas; the first group in the list will be the default group.

Be careful: Use ~~groupmanager~~ in lowercase letters; ~~GROUPMANAGER~~ may not work!

Example 1


Members of group ‘ wg_mygroup_reader ‘ can be managed by group ‘ wg_mygroup_admin ‘

Example 2

~~groupmanager|wg_mygroup_reader, wg_mygroup_editor|harald, @admin~~

Members of ‘ wg_mygroup_reader ‘ and ‘ wg_mygroup_editor ‘ can be managed by user ‘harald’ and members of the group ‘admin’


  1. In the examples above groups managed by groupmanager are named following the naming convention “wg_[groupname]_[role]”. This is not required by the syntax, but I would advise it nevertheless. (Side note: The interface beautifies the name of groups for simple users a bit by deleting the prefix “wg_”, replacing “_” with “ ” and capitalizing the first letter of the resulting words.)
  2. super-admin groups can only be managed by super-admins
  3. Group-admins may assign the group-admin role to other users!
  4. But: users cannot remove themselves from the group that grants them access to the group admin (including admins)
  5. :!: The conf_namespace option specifies a separate namespace for configuration. When the config namespace is used, a placeholder tag (~~groupmanager~~) can be used in the actual page while the full tag is placed in the configuration namespace at config_namespace:ID.
    If require_conf_namespace is set, all configuration options placed in the page are ignored, necessitating the use of the configuration namespace. For security reasons, this is the default configuration.
  6. The “forbidden_groups” configuration setting specifies groups that cannot be edited with the plugin (only relevant if conf_namespace is not configured).
  7. If allow_add_user is set, a dialog will be present in the interface that will allow users to be added to the Wiki. They will be automatically added to the “default” group, which is the first managed group (wg_mygroup_reader in the example).
  8. If allow_delete_user is set, checkboxes will be added to each user-record. Clicking on “update group” will delete checked users.

Groupmanager Scenario for Working Groups

This scenario addresses a situation with a single super-admin, a considerable number of users and independent working groups of an organization. Group membership is dynamic and always having to ask the super-admin is a nuisance. Making more people a super-admin is no option. Either because most people lack the knowledge or because the responsibility for the Wiki as a whole should stay centralized.

Wikis are all about “everybody may edit”, closed Wikis are in a way a contradiction in terms; Groupmanager regains some of the freedom that is lost in a closed Wiki. A working group may administer its members itself through an easy interface that is comprehensible for simple users. (Even while being the super-admin myself in most cases I am in fact quite happy with this interface. ☺)

Actually to be able to describe this scenario I need to make a little semantic switch to avoid confusion.

A “working group” in my definition will feature a set of roles that should contain a member- and a group-admin-role at minimum. So what is normally referred to as a “group” within DokuWiki-terms, I will call a role within the context of a working group.

Every working group has its own private namespace and a set of roles, which the group-admin may assign to Wiki-users.

A typical set of roles would be:

This scenario relies on the use of a groupmanager-configuration namespace only accessible for super-admins. This way the use of groupmanager-syntax is bound to specific pages and settings will always be taken from a protected page as defined by a super-admin.

With some copy-pasting the complete setup of a working group should take about 10 minutes.

To actually create a working group a super-admin needs to:

From that moment on the group is basically independent; no further interference of the super-admin is necessary. The group-admin can build and administer his group on his own.

On the administration page of his working group a group-admin can view and search the complete user-list of the Wiki and add users to the working group by assigning roles to them. He can also quickly filter the user-list for existing working-group members.

If configured that way he may also create Wiki-users by his own accord. Users created by a group-admin will automatically be assigned to the default-role of the working group (working_group_reader in our case) and will thus be restricted by that role.

A group-admin may (optionally) delete users, if and only if they do not belong to any other DokuWiki-group ;-) outside of the roles of his working group.

Example setup


In this example working groups are given a separate root-namespace at :working_groups. This way they can share ACL-settings and it is easily possible to have a “public” part in the Wiki in parallel that is visible to the world. (For any namespace I will always create a start-page describing the contents or use of the namespace. Next to good practice this comes in handy when using a plugin like Indexmenu. Indexmenu is a great support for automatic page discovery and providing ACL configured menus. I patched Indexmenu to support my setup.)

Basic groupmanager installation

If you have not yet done so:

Create the common namespace structure for all Working Groups

Steps in creating a Working Group

Let the name of the working group be “wg_mygroup” in this example.

1. Create the groupmanager-configuration page for the working group

Create the configuration file for the workgroup at


Put the code below into to the new page and save it. You might optionally add some helpful text for your group-admin to this page.

===== - Configure [working_group_name] Group - =====

~~groupmanager|wg_mygroup_reader, wg_mygroup_editor, wg_mygroup_admin|@wg_mygroup_admin, @admin~~

This will create three roles in the groupmanager interface

2. Create ACL for working group

For any working space three roles are defined. Readers, Editors and Managers. Higher roles include all the rights of the lower roles in this case. By default ALL have no access at all to the working group space (in a closed wiki this setting is probably inherited and may not have to be set explicitly).

These rules can be assigned through the interface or by editing /config/acl.auth.php

Through the Admin-Interface

Click on the Admin-button choose “Access Control List Management” and set the appropriate rights (see below).

Through editing /config/acl.auth.php

:!: You need SFTP-access to edit /config/acl.auth.php. Copy the code below and append it to /config/acl.auth.php in your installation.

working_groups:wg_mygroup:*	@wg%5fmygroup%5freader	1
working_groups:wg_mygroup:*	@wg%5fmygroup%5feditor	8
working_groups:wg_mygroup:*	@wg%5fmygroup%5fadmin	16
working_groups:wg_mygroup:admin:*	@wg%5fmygroup%5freader	0
working_groups:wg_mygroup:admin:*	@wg%5fmygroup%5feditor	0
working_groups:wg_mygroup:admin:*	@wg%5fmygroup%5fadmin	1

%5f is an HTML underscore. I don’t know whether this is really required but that’s how I found it in the ACL.

This way the ACL (Access Control List) will be in place before the actual pages are available, so there is no intermediate security hole.

3. Create namespace of working group

Create the starting page for the working group at :working_groups:wg_mygroup:start

Put in some text describing the group etc. and some advice to start them up. I use some standard text for that.

4. Create the administrator page for the group-admin

===== - Manage Group - =====


Only group managers will have (read) access to this page. The additions to the ACL should have made sure of that. Managers can use the functionality of the plugin-page, but must not have edit-rights on the page itself to prevent illiterate group-admins from accidentally (WYSIWIG -editors etc.) deleting syntax lines.


ToDo/Wish List


If somebody is using groupmanager please tell me your experiences. — Harald 2014/04/18 15:51

  1. This plugin is great, especially for people switching from PMwiki to DokuWiki. Gives more tools to emulate PMwiki's group functions. Now all I need is an auto page creation on new group (base namespace) and I can fully copy my pm with my doku :D


Delete Option (Fixed)

If the user is in more groups than this page manages it would skip the test to see if the user was in any other groups! Comment out this line:

778: if (count($currentgroups) <= count($this->grplst)) {

Included in source now, no need to do this manually anymore, thank you! — Harald 2014/04/14 12:32

Modify User (Fixed)

FIXME Line 521 calls the function modifyUser() directly when modifying the user rights rather than calling triggerUserMod() correctly as is done when creating or deleting a user. Doing it this way doesn't trigger the AUTH_USER_CHANGE event so other plugins can't respond to the change. To fix change:

521:  if ($auth->modifyUser($name, $update)) {
521:  if ($this->_auth->triggerUserMod('modify',array($name, $update))) {

Seems to work ok in my tests.

included in source, great to see the code improve! — Harald 2014/04/23 15:35

little ideas

Hi Many thanks !!!! It's a very wonderful plugin ! For my use, i made a little tweak with which it's possible to configure several “root” namespaces if needed.

            // empty tag?
            if (is_null($data[0]) || count($data[0]) == 0) {
                // load from conf namespace
                // build page name
                $conf_page = "";
//splitter la chaîne en fonction du caractère "," dans un tableau
//split string after ","
  $tmp_tab = explode(',', $conf_namespace);
//loop over array  
  foreach($tmp_tab as $tmp_namespace)
    //nettoyage - cleaning
      $tmp_namespace=trim($tmp_namespace, " ");
      $tmp_namespace=trim($tmp_namespace, ":");
    //chercher si le namespace en cours de traitement correspônd à l'ID de la page en cours
    //search if the "temp namespace" match the ID of the page
      if (substr($ID, 0, strlen($tmp_namespace)) == $tmp_namespace) {

That's all Thanks again