GrenSladaWritezor Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

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plugin Semi-raw HTML WYSIWYG editor

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to aceeditor, fckw, skydoku, wysiwyg, wysiwyg_nicedit

Tagged with editing, wysiwyg

This is a quick and dirty DokuWiki plugin I whipped up to try out full HTML editing. It adds a new tag <EMBEDDED_HTML>, and everything within is interpreted as full HTML. The editor uses FCKEditor to provide WYSIWYG editing, although certain features had to be disabled as they don't play well with DokuWiki's XHTML renderer's default escaping. This is probably a “good thing” ™ since allowing full HTML access is potentially a bit dangerous. Nonetheless, it's a bit tricky to tell what sequences will and will not break. The plugin is mostly used internally by a trusted group of users, so that was not a design priority. Also, right now, only one <EMBEDDED_HTML> section per page is supported. Feel free to mess around with it and try out lots of different ideas. It's in a very rough state right now, but I thought I'd throw it out there and get a sense of what the pain points are.

You can find the plugin at Source Forge


Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager or manually with the download from the SourceForge Mirror. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

Versions of the plugin: