Table of Contents


Internationalization is a key feature of DokuWiki and localization of the user interface in templates and plugins are supported. Developers should also take extra care to preserve encoding of wiki text and other user input.

File format

Each language have their own subdirectory named after the ISO_3166-1 two letter code. You will also find the ISO-code of well-known languages at

All files containing localization strings must be encoded in UTF-8 Encoding.

Short strings are stored in a file lang.php, which should contain an array entry for each localized string. These strings can NOT contain any DokuWiki syntax.

  // Example language file
  $lang['hello_world'] = 'Hello world!';

Larger files where DokuWiki formatting syntax are allowed is also supported. They have same format and naming conventions as normal wiki pages, see inc/lang/en/admin.txt for an example.

====== Administration ======
Below you can find a list of administrative tasks available in DokuWiki.

Core localization

String localizations

Inside inc/init.php the configuration setting determines which lang.php file are read into a global array $lang[]. Missing entries are filled with values from the English lang.php file.

The strings are read by DokuWiki from the files:


You can access these localized strings anywhere by using the $lang[] array.

global $lang;
echo $lang['btn_edit'];

File localizations

Core localization files are stored in


and can be overridden in an individual installation. For example to facilitate customized “Denied login” messages. These files should be stored in


You can access these files by using p_locale_xhtml('filename').

print p_locale_xhtml('denied');

Plugin localization

The base plugin class DokuWiki_Plugin provides support for localization of plugins.

Localisations are stored in the plugin folder. The next files can be provided by the developer:

These files can be added by the user to customize the localization:

In the plugins the javascript localization is supported too.

The most important public methods are:


Using localized strings:

$title = $this->getLang('dataentry')
$updated = sprintf($this->getLang('updated'), $this->numberdownloads)

The first string returns the title string e.g. Dataentry in English or Datablok in Dutch for the data plugin. The second string Plugin %s updated successfully contains a %s, which is replaced by sprintf with the value of $this->numberdownloads.

Also a localised text can be included. This displays the rendered wikitext from file lang/<language>/admin_intro.txt:

 echo $this->locale_xhtml('admin_intro');

Template Localization

Many templates only uses the core language files but they can also have their own localization files. DokuWiki provides via inc/template.php support for localization of templates.

Localisations are stored in the template folder. The next files can be provided by the developer:

These files can be added by the wiki user to customize the localization:

In the templates the javascript localization is supported too.

The relevant method is:


Using localized strings:

$title = tpl_getLang('dataentry')
$updated = sprintf(tpl_getLang('updated'), $this->numberdownloads)

The first string returns the title string e.g. Dataentry in English or Datablok in Dutch for the data plugin. The second string There are %s units updated successfully contains a %s, which is replaced by sprintf() with the value of $this->numberdownloads.

JavaScript Localization

DokuWiki provides an easy way to get translated strings into JavaScript. Just add the translation to the lang.php in a subarray called js. This method will also work for plugins and the active template. Example:

$lang['js']['key'] = 'translation text';
$lang['js']['your translation key'] = 'translation text';

This information will be provided in the global LANG variable in JavaScript. You can access them the following way:

// Core translation.
LANG['your translation key'];
// If you're in a plugin:
LANG.plugins.<your plugin name>.key;
LANG.plugins.<your plugin name>['your translation key'];
// If you're in a template:
LANG.template.<your template name>.key;
LANG.template.<your template name>['your translation key'];