====== page4release Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Manage software versions in a documentation. author : Jonas Fourquier email : type : action, syntax lastupdate : 2012-05-06 compatible : Adora Belle, Angua, Rincewind, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun depends : conflicts : similar : tags : release release_manager listing navigation downloadurl: http://download.tuxfamily.org/jopen/page4release/page4release.zip bugtracker : https://gitlab.com/snouf/doku-page4release/issues sourcerepo : https://gitlab.com/snouf/doku-page4release donationurl: ---- ===== Demo ===== This plugin is used on http://mythtv-fr.org/wiki/0.25/mythtv-setup (Plugin display "//Cette page concerne MythTV 0.25. Voir cette page pour : MythTV 0.24, MythTV 0.27//.) ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ===== Examples/Usage ===== **On pagename1** ====== Pagename 1 ====== {{for release 0}} > **Pagename 1** > //This page for release 0, show this page for [[namespace1:pagename1|release 1]], [[namespace1:pagename2|release 2]]// **On namespace1:pagename1** ====== Pagename 1 ====== {{for release 1}} > **Pagename 1** > //This page for release 1, show this page for [[pagename1|release 0]], [[namespace1:pagename2|release 2]]// **On namespace2:pagename1** ====== Pagename 1 ====== {{for release 2}} > **Pagename 1** > //This page for release 2, show this page for [[pagename1|release 0]], [[namespace1:pagename1|release 1]]// ===== Syntax ===== Basic syntax: {{for }} or {{pour }} ===== Managment ===== For rebuild index go to /lib/plugins/page4release/rebuildindex.php ===== Translation ===== This plugin available in english and french. ===== Link ===== * [[http://forum.jonas.tuxfamily.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=18|support]] (Preferably in French) * [[http://mythtv-fr.org/wiki/setup_tv|A page that uses this plugin]] ===== Bugs ===== ==== Installation through plugin manager ==== The plugin can not be installed through the plugin manager. After extracting the archive DokuWiki thinks it includes two plugins: les-plugins-dokuwiki-de-jonas-page4release and pax_global_header. Could you please remove the additional pax_global_header-file in order to make installation through plugin manager working? --- [[user>lupo49|M. S.]] //2012/12/12 11:35// pax_global_header is not here on GNU/Linux :-|. I cleaned up the directory and create a zip archive (the older was a tar.gz). It's work ?[[user>jonas|Jonas]] //2012/12/13// Yes, perfect. It seems the pax_global_header file is some kind of garbage file caused by DokuWikis internal tar extraction lib. (Bug could be removed from this page.) --- [[user>lupo49|M. S.]] //2012/12/13 22:39//