====== Menu Pop Up Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Define a link or text to show an included DokuWiki page while hovered author : Gerry Weißbach email : gerry.w@gammaproduction.de type : syntax lastupdate : 2010-10-10 compatible : 2010-11-07 depends : conflicts : similar : tags : !broken, navigation, menu, include, popup downloadurl: https://trello.com/1/cards/5e4c269d75b24008fe8a894d/attachments/5e4c26b82365406e1c34e1a4/download/menupopup.zip #Thanks to SFITCS! https://forum.dokuwiki.org/post/54332 bugtracker : sourcerepo : donationurl: screenshot_img: ---- [[http://wiki.gammaproduction.de/dokuwiki/plugins/menupopup|Details and Download]] FIXME link no longer exists, an old copy is attached to a DokuWiki [[https://forum.dokuwiki.org/post/54332|forum post]]. \\ Examples and a guide to the syntax is [[http://wiki.starshine-online.com/doku.php?id=chantier:doh:demo:menupopup|here]] (in French) --- [[user>SFITCS|SFITCS]] //2016-10-30 11:14// ===== Syntax ===== {{Popup> [head]? [ContentPage] [? Width / height]}} Code used in example pictured below:- |{{popup>Head?[site:doh:armor:Head][?550px/550px]}}|{{popup>Torso?[site:doh:armor:Torso][?550px/550px]}}|{{popup>Hands?[site:doh:armor:Hands?][?550px/550px]}}|{{popup>Belts?[site:doh:armor:Belts][?550px/550px]}}|{{popup>Legs?[site:doh:armor:Legs][?550px/550px]}}|{{popup>Feet?[site:doh:armor:Feet][?550px/550px]}}|{{popup>Fingers?[site:doh:armor:Fingers][?550px/550px]}}|{{popup>Neck?[site:doh:armor:Neck][?550px/550px]}}|{{popup>Dos?[site:doh:armor:Back][?550px/550px]}}| {{https://scottferguson.com.au/uploads/files/menupopup_example.png?nolink|See http://wiki.starshine-online.com/doku.php?id=chantier:doh:demo:menupopup}} --- [[user>SFITCS|SFITCS]] //2016-10-31 02:37// ---- **Is it possible not to show a page but just some text, like a tool-tip?**\\ [[laurence.diver@gmail.com|Laurence]] Does not work at all with Opera 10.10 \\ [[mail@joachimschaefer.de|joschaef]] >> I can not download it...[[bluesediment@163.com|Ivan]] ===== additions for printing and pdf ===== added a print.css: div.menuContent { display:none } and with the dw2pdf in the user\user.css: div.menuContent { display: none; } ===== Fix for normal text ===== Within the style.css add the following; div.menuContainer div.menuContent, div.menuContainerOver div.menuContent { font-weight: normal; } else, the popup content goes bold or italic because it uses the current weight, which is used for the link. Adding font-weight: normal; fixes this ===== Tip: border style ===== Make your popup a bit nicer by using a border-style in your style.css, for example: div.menuContainer div.menuContent, div.menuContainerOver div.menuContent { border-style: outset; }