====== @PAGE@ Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: author : @NAME@ email : @MAIL@ type : lastupdate : %Y-%m-%d compatible : depends : conflicts : similar : tags : downloadurl: # eg. https://github.com/@USER@/dokuwiki-plugin-@PAGE@/zipball/master bugtracker : # eg. https://github.com/@USER@/dokuwiki-plugin-@PAGE@/issues sourcerepo : # eg. https://github.com/@USER@/dokuwiki-plugin-@PAGE@/ donationurl: screenshot_img : # URL to a screenshot of the plugin in action ---- //:!: This template contains various hints on how to fill in data (formatted in italics). Be sure to remove the hints and unwanted sections (Eg. the Syntax/Example section for non-syntax plugins.// ===== Installation ===== //[First, last and only chance to warn users before installing (some has already done that before reading this)]// :!: **External requirements:** This plugin requires the following additional components that must be installed separately: * [[A banana]] * [[Another banana]] Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ===== Examples/Usage ===== //[Most people learn by example, so this goes first]// See the plugin in action [[www.demosite.com|here]]. The sample page shows all the styles available with the plugin. A simple box: the box contents Some more complex boxes the box contents the box contents the box contents> //[Pictures showing the rendered result will help users to understand]// ===== Syntax ===== //[Complete syntax]// Basic syntax: {{actionlink>action|title}} * **action** can be one of this: * //edit// --- edit/create/show * //history// --- old revisions ===== Configuration and Settings ===== //[also CSS style tips]// ===== Development ===== //[downloadable blocks, development comments]// The source code of the plugin is available at GitHub: https://github.com/@USER@/dokuwiki-plugin-@PAGE@. === Changelog === //[preferable GitHub RSS feed or similar]// {{rss>https://github.com/@USER@/dokuwiki-plugin-@PAGE@/commits/master.atom date 8}} === Known Bugs and Issues === //[this section might not be needed in case of external bug manager, or use RSS feed]// === ToDo/Wish List === //[developers roadmap]// ===== FAQ ===== //[discussions should ideally be deleted and turned into FAQ entries along the way]//