====== How to make a redirect page? ====== :?: Is there a way to create a wiki page that automatically brings the user to another page? :!: Check out the following plugins: * [[plugin:MRedirect]] (automatically adds backlinks) * [[plugin:GOTO]] * [[plugin:pageredirect]] (uses syntax redirection) * [[plugin:redirect]] (uses central configuration file) * [[plugin:404manager]] * [[plugin:pagemove]] Also see all [[plugintag>redirect|plugins tagged with "redirect"]]. ---- == Redirect on with symbolic links == My Problem : I use nspages in a sidebar definition and it didn't list the subcategory start page automatically. My Solution : I created a symbolic link directly in the folder on the server. [dokuwiki/data/pages/]$ ln -s .//start.txt .txt I know, I could have also added a manual entry in the sidebar page definition but decided to do it this way and decided to share it. --- [[user>paucoma|pau]] //2014/01/06 08:14 CET// ----