~~NOTRANS~~ ====== SesamX knowledge base ====== ---- dataentry dwinstallation ---- screenshot_img350: https://www.sesamx.io/doc/_media/sesamx_knowledge_base_screenshot.png site_url : https://www.sesamx.io/doc/ installed_dt : 2021-12-29 purpose_lbls : Documentation, Knowledge base org_lbls : Corporate country : France ---- We use DokuWiki to take care of the documentation about our [[https://www.sesamx.io/|finite element software]]. DokuWiki totally meets our requirements: it enables us to publish and organize new content easily and in a standard manner. We were able to try various plugins and select the ones that best fit our needs. Once everything is set up, it works like a charm! Besides, thanks to the Bootstrap template and plugin, our DokuWiki knowledge base integrates well with the rest of our website. From our point of view, the major DokuWiki feature is the possibility to organize our site content into namespaces (Tutorials, User manual, ...). It allows us to avoid getting a messy knowledge base. [[user>AliBabaSx]]