====== TPL_TOC_RENDER ====== ---- dataentry event ---- Description: Pre-/postprocess the TOC DefaultAction: Outputs the TOC Preventable: no Added_dt: 2008-08-30 ---- This event is signalled by [[xref>tpl_toc()]] in [[xref>inc/template.php]]. You can use this event to add/remove items from the TOC. ===== Passed Data ===== The passed [[xref>Doku_Event]] object has the fields: ''$data'' and ''$result''. The ''$data'' fields contains an array holding the TOC as loaded from the [[devel:metadata]]. There is no default action. In BEFORE and AFTER event handler the ToC array can be modified. The ''$result'' is never set, so is always null. ===== See also ===== * [[codesearch>TPL_TOC_RENDER|Code related to this event]] used in any DokuWiki's files, plugins and templates * [[devel:Action Plugins]] * [[devel:Events]]