====== TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT ====== ---- dataentry event ---- Description: Manipulate meta headers DefaultAction: Sends the meta headers to the browser Preventable: yes Added_dt: 2006-09-16 ---- This event is signalled by [[xref>tpl_metaheaders()]] in [[xref>inc/template.php]] after preparing the default meta headers. You can use it to manipulate the meta headers before they're sent to the browser. ===== Passed Data ===== $data is a two-dimensional array of all meta headers. The keys are ''meta'', ''link'' and ''script''. Here is an example for using the data property to add meta information, stylesheets and JavaScript // Adding a meta value $event->data["meta"][] = [ "name" => "DC.Subject", "content" => "Some information" ]; // Adding a stylesheet $event->data["link"][] = [ "type" => "text/css", "rel" => "stylesheet", "href" => DOKU_BASE . "lib/plugins/myplugin/specialstyle.css" ]; // Adding a JavaScript File $event->data["script"][] = [ "type" => "text/javascript", "src" => DOKU_BASE . "lib/plugins/myplugin/javascript_library.js", "_data" => "" ]; // Adding JavaScript Code $event->data["script"][] = [ "type" => "text/javascript", "charset" => "utf-8", "_data" => "addInitEvent(function(){comments_addButtons('$ID');});" ]; Note: * When you are adding the stylesheet or javascript file for compatibility with using slash as namespace separator in URLs you should prepend the file link with DOKU_BASE. * For adding the javascript file you should specify an empty ''_data'' field for generating of a closing "script" tag, otherwise you get an incorrect self closed "script" tag. * You may use other tags as well $event->data['style'][] = [ 'type' => 'text/css', '_data' => 'a {color: blue;}' ]; ===== See also ===== * [[codesearch>TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT|Code related to this event]] used in any DokuWiki's files, plugins and templates * [[devel:Action Plugins]] * [[devel:Events]]